10 Arabic Words to Help You With Your Vacation in Egypt
27 Jan, 2025

10 Arabic Words to Help You With Your Vacation in Egypt

Tags: Before You Travel

Acquiring some essential or Basic Arabic phrases for tourists invariably helps make their journey more seamless. Unlike in some countries where your attempts to speak the local language might be ignored—or even met with a reply in perfect English—in Egypt and other Arabic-speaking nations, your effort to learn and use a few Arabic phrases is warmly appreciated.

A handful of phrases and a touch of willingness can significantly contribute to establishing a connection and could genuinely enhance your travel experience. While planning a vacation in Egypt, you might wonder if learning Arabic is necessary to communicate effectively with the locals. Although Arabic has many regional variations that differ in pronunciation, you don’t need to master all of them to enjoy your trip. In fact, knowing just a few key phrases can make a big difference. Basic Arabic phrases for tourists are easy to pick up and will help you navigate your way around Egypt effortlessly. 

Here are ten essential Arabic words that you'll frequently encounter and find incredibly useful during your travels.

1- Salaam Alaikum

This translates to ‘peace be upon you,’ which is akin to hello and is a customary salutation. The reply is Alaikum Salaam, just reverse the sentence if you notice and meaning ‘and upon you be peace.

2- Shukron

Is one of the most important Arabic words in Egypt that you'll want to remember. It simply means "Thank you," and it's a polite way to show appreciation to anyone who helps you during your travels. Whether you receive directions, assistance with luggage, or excellent service at a restaurant, using "Shukron" will be greatly appreciated. The customary response to "Shukron" is "Afwan," which means "You’re welcome" or "Not at all." Learning these simple phrases goes a long way in making your interactions with locals more meaningful and respectful.

3- "Ana iza" (for females) or "Ana ayez" (for males)

Means "I want," a phrase you'll find incredibly useful during your time in Egypt. Whether you're ordering food, asking for directions, or shopping in the local markets, this simple phrase will help you express your needs clearly. For groups, you can use "Ana izine," which translates to "We want." Equally important is knowing how to say you don’t want something: "Mish iza." These phrases are practical tools for making your wishes known and navigating conversations with ease during your travels.

4- Meya Meya

Literally translates to "100, 100," but it's commonly used to express something is "excellent" or "really good." It’s a great phrase to use when you want to show approval or satisfaction. Whether you've just finished an amazing meal, experienced exceptional service, or had a fantastic day exploring Egypt, saying "Meya Meya" is the perfect way to express how impressed you are. It's a simple yet powerful phrase that locals will appreciate, and it's sure to enhance your interactions during your trip.

5- Bezupt!

Is a lively and enthusiastic way of saying "Exactly!" in Arabic. It’s commonly used to confirm something with certainty, showing agreement or acknowledgment in a conversation. Whether you're bargaining in a market, confirming directions, or simply engaging in friendly discussions, you’ll hear "Bezupt!" when someone wants to emphasize that you’ve got it just right. It’s a fun and expressive term that adds a bit of energy to everyday interactions, making it one of those phrases that can bring a smile to your face when you hear it.

6- Bukra

This translates to ‘Tomorrow.’ But similar to when the Spanish say mañana and the South Africans say just now. They’re not actually referring to the literal tomorrow but to an unspecified time in the future – whenever someone gets around to it. Bukra is the Arabic equivalent.

7- Yani

This is Arabic for ‘you know,’ ‘so,’ ‘like’ or in French alors. This word is so prevalent in Arabic conversation that you’ll likely find it, yani, hard to stop using it when you return home.

8- Inshallah

Is a phrase that permeates daily life in Egypt and other Arabic-speaking countries. It means "God's Will" and reflects the belief that nothing is guaranteed to happen unless it is willed by God. It’s more than just a phrase—it's a deeply ingrained cultural mindset. You’ll hear "Inshallah" attached to all kinds of statements, indicating hope or intention, but with the understanding that only God controls the outcome. For instance, on an EgyptAir flight, you might hear, “Today we will be flying to Cairo, Inshallah.” This is a reminder that everything, even the flight’s destination, is subject to God’s will. You’ll likely encounter this phrase frequently, as it is one of the most common tourist Arabic phrases you'll hear during your time in Egypt, and it’s often met with the same response: "Inshallah."

9- Khalas

Is a universal word in Arabic that means "It's finished" or "That's enough." It's commonly used to indicate that something is over or completed, whether it's a conversation, a task, or even a meal. While it's effective, you should use it carefully, especially if someone is bothering you, as it can come across as a bit blunt. In the proper context, though, "Khalas" is a straightforward way to signal that you're done with something, and it's a handy word to know when you want to bring something to a close.

10- Yalla

Is a dynamic and widely used Arabic word that means "Come on," "Let's go," or "Hurry up," all wrapped into one energetic phrase. It's perfect for encouraging someone to pick up the pace or move along, whether you're about to head out on an adventure, urging a group to get going, or simply trying to keep up the momentum in any situation. You'll hear "Yalla" frequently in Egypt, as it's a go-to expression for getting things moving, and it adds a lively touch to everyday conversations.


These were Basic Arabic phrases for tourists that they could use while they were traveling to Egypt. Remember that Arabic words in Egypt will be constructive, especially with people who welcome hearing their own language from visitors.


We hope this article has answered your questions about "10 Arabic Words to Help You With Your Vacation in Egypt" and inspired you to explore this incredible destination. With Sun Pyramids Tours by your side, your visit will be hassle-free, seamless, and full of unforgettable experiences. We offer a wide variety of Egypt itineraries and tailor-made vacations to suit your every need. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to welcome you to Egypt and make your dream trip a reality!

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