
29 Jan 2024, 09:00


巨大的阿布辛贝神庙位于埃及南部的山腰,是埃及最壮观的宝藏之一。阿布辛贝神庙的建筑特色是拉美西斯二世的四尊坐像,最大的一尊高达 20 米,守护着入口。 该陵墓以巨大的法老雕像而闻名,由于阿斯旺大坝的建设,陵墓位置被移到了更高的位置,原来的位置在 20 世纪 60 年代被准确地重建。 阿布辛贝神庙的历史随着时间的流逝,曾经雄伟的神庙逐渐淡出人们的视线。大神庙被巨大的沙丘吞没,从人们的记忆中消失了。到公元前 6 世纪,沙子掩盖了神庙的雕像,直到他们的膝盖,埋葬了阿布辛贝神庙的宏伟和历史。欧洲人一直不知道它的存在,直到 1813 年 3 月,一位名叫约翰·路德维希·布克哈特的瑞士研究员偶然发现了这座小神庙,并瞥见了主神庙顶部的雕带。阿布辛贝神庙位于哪里?阿布辛贝神庙位于上埃及阿斯旺省阿布辛贝村,靠近苏丹边境。阿布辛贝神庙位于纳赛尔湖西岸,距阿斯旺西南约 230 公里(140 英里)(公路距离约 300 公里(190 英里))。 哪位法老被下令建造阿斯旺的阿布辛贝神庙?这些石像由法老拉美西斯二世于公元前 13 世纪下令建造,用来祭拜古埃及诸神卜塔、阿蒙以及他自己,以祭拜太阳神的形式。 阿布辛贝太阳节在春分和秋分时节,太阳以出色的日行排列照亮阿布辛贝神庙,因此每年 2 月 22 日和 10 月 22 日(阿布辛贝太阳节),初升的太阳光线穿透内殿,照亮后墙上的三尊雕像,景象令人叹为观止。作为建筑奇迹和权力纪念碑,阿布辛贝神庙代表了新王国艺术成就和皇家虚荣心的巅峰,至今仍吸引着数百万游客。 阿布辛贝神庙的建筑这座神庙的设计展现了古埃及文明的辉煌。这个令人印象深刻的建筑高 30 米,长 35 米。进入神庙,首先映入眼帘的是四尊巨大的雕像,描绘的是拉美西斯大帝坐在宝座上,高 20 米(65 英尺)。在这些雄伟的雕像下面,是一些较小的雕像,描绘的是拉美西斯击败敌人、尊敬和保护神与家人的情景。进入神庙,首先看到拉美西斯二世坐在宝座上的画像,头戴上埃及和下埃及的双王冠。神庙内部,三个连续的大厅跨度高达 56 米(185 英尺)。多柱式大厅宽 16.7 米,高 18 米,由八根巨大的奥西里斯柱支撑,象征着拉美西斯是冥界奥西里斯的统治者,也强调了法老的永恒本质。在中央大厅,您会发现代表各种神灵的雕像,上面装饰着法老的描绘、公元前 1274 年法老在卡迭石战役中获胜的场景(这是历史上第一个有记录的和平条约)等等。在正面,一排 22 只狒狒举起双臂崇拜着冉冉升起的太阳。内殿供奉着拉美西斯二世的四位坐神——卜塔(创造之神)、阿蒙(造物主之神)和拉(太阳神),他们在太阳节中扮演着中心角色。距离大神庙不远,在东北方向 100 米处坐落着奈菲尔塔利神庙,这是一座迷人的建筑杰作。神庙装饰着两组巨像,中间由一道大门隔开,其中包括两尊王后的雕像和六尊她的丈夫拉美西斯二世国王的雕像,高 10.5 米(35 英尺)。这些雕像向爱、诱惑和欢乐的女神“哈索尔”,天空猎鹰荷鲁斯,以及正义女神玛特等表达了敬意。阿布辛贝小神庙充满爱的奇迹:迷人的阿布辛贝小神庙是一座象征爱情和虔诚的神庙,坐落在拉美西斯二世大神庙东北方向仅 100 米处。这座圣地供奉着神圣的女神哈索尔和受人尊敬的王后奈菲尔塔利,后者是拉美西斯二世最钟爱的配偶。值得注意的是,这是古埃及历史上第二座专门为王后修建的神庙,与早期阿肯那顿对他钟爱的王后奈菲尔塔利的供奉如出一辙。走近神庙,您会被岩石凿成的外墙所吸引,两组雄伟的巨型雕像点缀其间,中间由一个宏伟的入口隔开。这些令人印象深刻的雕像高达 10 多米,描绘的是这对皇室夫妇——拉美西斯二世和奈菲尔塔利。在大门的两侧,可以看到法老的双重雕像:南边,装饰着上埃及纯白的王冠,北边,戴着辉煌的双王冠,两者之间都装饰着优雅的王后雕像。布克哈特与意大利探险家乔瓦尼·贝尔佐尼分享了他的惊人发现,贝尔佐尼冒险前往该遗址,但却难以找到进入神庙的入口。贝尔佐尼没有气馁,继续揭示阿布辛贝神庙的历史,他于 1817 年再次返回,并成功进入这个神秘的建筑群。爱德华·威廉·莱恩的《埃及记述》(1825-1828 年)中对这些神庙进行了生动的描述,并附有当代的线条画。阿布辛贝的故事是一个关于失去和重新发现的故事,时间的无情流逝使古老的奇迹被遗忘。然而,通过探险家的不懈努力和历史记载,这些寺庙的辉煌得以复活,让我们能够一窥过去时代的秘密。 阿布辛贝神庙的迁移为什么阿斯旺的阿布辛贝神庙在20 世纪 60 年代被迁移?阿布辛贝神庙的迁移1959 年,尼罗河水位上涨威胁到努比亚的古代遗迹,一项紧急任务随之而来。阿斯旺大坝的修建对这个辉煌文明的最南端的遗迹构成了严重威胁。联合国教科文组织支持的全球运动动员起来,拯救阿布辛贝神庙的历史。 1964 年,一支由考古学家、工程师和技术娴熟的操作员组成的大胆团队开始了一项前所未有的任务。他们花费 4000 万美元(相当于今天的 3.7742 亿美元)开始打捞宏伟的阿布辛贝神庙。在四年的艰苦岁月中,一项非凡的壮举出现了。神庙一块一块巨大的碎片被精心切割、拆除,有些碎片重达 30 吨(平均 20 吨),并被抬升到安全的地方。这项大胆的事业突破了考古学的界限,展示了人类精神的独创性。他们把阿布辛贝神庙从哪里搬过来的?阿布辛贝神庙的搬迁和新址经过精心挑选,高出河流 65 米,距离河流 200 米,成为这些古代奇迹的庇护所。阿布辛贝神庙顶着尼罗河的无情水流,骄傲地矗立在新家。拯救阿布辛贝神庙体现了保护我们共同的人类遗产的坚定承诺。它证明了那些拒绝让阿布辛贝神庙的历史被时间遗忘的人的奉献精神。这一非凡的成就确保了子孙后代能够继续惊叹于过去时代的辉煌。 如何前往阿斯旺的阿布辛贝神庙?如果您有兴趣参观阿布辛贝神庙,您有两种选择:从阿斯旺出发一日游或乘坐开罗和阿斯旺之间的航班游览。有三种方式可以到达阿布辛贝:从阿斯旺往返航班、从阿斯旺陆路或开罗和阿斯旺之间往返。如果您需要更多帮助,请告诉我;我希望这些信息对您有所帮助。 哪些日子最适合参观阿斯旺的阿布辛贝神庙?游览阿布辛贝的最佳月份是 1 月、2 月和 12 月,此时气候温和,凉爽宜人。2 月 22 日是阿布辛贝太阳节,吸引了成千上万的游客,因此请做好迎接大批游客的准备。请提前几个月预订,因为这几个月是旅游旺季,酒店和机票价格较高。 为什么我要通过太阳金字塔旅游公司预订?专业知识和经验: Sun Pyramids Tours 在旅游业拥有 53 年的丰富经验。定制行程:太阳金字塔旅游公司提供定制行程,满足您的喜好。无论您对历史遗迹、文化体验还是探险活动感兴趣,我们都可以设计符合您兴趣的行程。当地联系和内部访问:太阳金字塔之旅可以为您提供独特的机会和内部访问景点和体验的机会,而这些景点和体验对于独立旅行者来说可能不容易获得。轻松规划:太阳金字塔旅游公司可为您减轻规划行程的压力。我们以极具竞争力的价格处理所有后勤事务,包括住宿、交通和导游……您可以放松身心,享受假期,无需担心细节。客户满意度: Sun Pyramids Tours 以提供优质客户服务和确保客户满意度而自豪。他们努力满足并超越您的期望,让您的旅行愉快而难忘。添加旅行顾问评论、Facebook 页面评论等。安全保障: Sun Pyramids Tours 优先考虑客人的安全保障。我们与值得信赖的合作伙伴合作,遵守安全准则,并在整个旅程中提供支持,以确保安全舒适的旅行体验。

3 Dec 2024, 13:43

2025 年阿布辛贝太阳节:见证古埃及的太阳奇迹

The Abu Simbel Sun Festival is an extraordinary event held twice a year, when the sun's rays align perfectly to illuminate the inner sanctum of Ramses II's temple. Occurring on the 22nd of February and the 22nd of October, this ancient spectacle marks key moments in Ramses II's reign. The temple was designed with precise alignment so that the sunlight reaches the statues of the gods Amun and Ra, along with Ramses II, while the statue of Ptah, the god of the underworld, remains in shadow. Thousands of visitors gather to witness this remarkable blend of history, astronomy, and culture during the Abu Simbel Sun Festival "22nd of February - 22nd of October." Abu Simbel Sun Festival "22nd of February - 22nd of October" The festival occurs annually on two significant dates: February 22nd, celebrating Ramses II's ascension to the throne, and October 22nd, believed to mark his birthday. These dates reflect the importance of celestial events in ancient Egyptian culture. While the exact reason for choosing these dates is debated, they are clearly tied to Ramses II's reign and his connection to the gods. The sun's rays penetrating the innermost chamber bring the statues of Amun-Ra and Ramses II to life, an awe-inspiring sight that continues to draw visitors from all over the world. The Impact of Earth's Axial Precession on the Sun Festival When the temple was constructed over 3,000 years ago, the alignment of the sun was more precise. Due to Earth's axial precession, which causes the Tropic of Cancer to shift over time, the exact dates of the alignment may have changed from when the temple was originally built. The relocation of the temple in the 1960s to protect it from flooding by the Aswan High Dam also impacted the precision of the solar alignment. Despite these shifts, the Abu Simbel Sun Festival remains a remarkable event. Overview of the Two Temples of Abu Simbel The temples of Abu Simbel, carved into the rock face in the 13th century BC, were built during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh and to honor his wife, Queen Nefertari. The larger temple, dedicated to Ramses II and the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ptah, stands as one of the greatest architectural achievements of ancient Egypt. The smaller temple, dedicated to Queen Nefertari and the goddess Hathor, is equally striking. Threatened by the rising waters of the Aswan High Dam, the temples were relocated in 1968 to an artificial hill. This massive international effort preserved these historical treasures, allowing visitors to continue admiring their grandeur and the remarkable Sun Festival alignment. The temples, combined with the scenic Nubian surroundings, offer a breathtaking experience of Egypt's rich heritage. What Happens During the Abu Simbel Sun Festival? During the Abu Simbel Sun Festival, sunlight penetrates the temple's entrance and illuminates the statues of Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and Ramses II, while Ptah, associated with the underworld, remains in darkness. This precise alignment occurs on February 22nd, celebrating Ramses II's ascension to the throne, and October 22nd, marking his birthday. Designed with incredible precision, the festival symbolizes Ramses II's divine connection, and visitors gather to witness this extraordinary phenomenon. The event also includes cultural performances, traditional celebrations, and a chance to experience ancient Egypt's grandeur firsthand. Best Tours to Abu Simbel Sun Festival Experience the Abu Simbel Sun Festival through Sun Pyramids Tours' exclusive itineraries, designed to ensure a memorable experience. Whether departing from Aswan or Luxor, our tours allow you to witness the stunning sunrise illuminating the temples while enjoying the vibrant festival atmosphere. Along with music, dance, and local markets, you'll have the opportunity to explore these historic temples in comfort. Make sure to plan your visit for February 22nd or October 22nd to witness this incredible event. With our exceptional service and tailored tours, we guarantee an unforgettable experience. Don't miss out—book your adventure today! Why do I book with Sun Pyramids Tours? Expertise and Experience: Sun Pyramids Tours has a wealth of 53 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. Customized Itineraries: Sun Pyramids Tours offers tailored itineraries to suit your preferences. Whether you're interested in historical sites, cultural immersion, or adventure activities, we can design a tour that matches your interests. Local Connections and Insider Access: Sun Pyramids Tours can provide you with unique opportunities and insider access to attractions and experiences that may not be easily accessible to independent travelers. Hassle-Free Planning: Sun Pyramids Tours can take the stress out of planning your trip. We handle all the logistics, including accommodations, transportation, and guided tours, at competitive prices… Relax and enjoy your vacation without worrying about the details. Customer Satisfaction: Sun Pyramids Tours prides itself on providing excellent customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction. They strive to meet and exceed your expectations, making your trip enjoyable and memorable. Add trip advisor reviews, Facebook page reviews, etc. Safety and Security: Sun Pyramids Tours prioritizes the safety and security of their guests. We work with trusted partners, adhere to safety guidelines, and provide support throughout your journey to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience. Egypt warmly welcomes visitors with its majestic Nile River, desert landscapes, and the fertile Delta, along with its remarkable and awe-inspiring landmarks. With our Egypt tour packages, you'll have the chance to uncover the most mesmerizing wonders of the land of the Pharaohs, including the iconic Giza Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, Abu Simbel, the Karnak temples, and so much more. The Nile River is also the perfect setting for one of our Nile cruises, where you can sail through history, admiring the magnificent monuments between Luxor and Aswan. The opportunity is right here for you—don't miss out, book with us today!
