Pendant que vous êtes en Egypte

29 Jan 2024, 09:00

Joyaux cachés de l'Égypte

Bienvenue surGuide ultime des joyunux cunchés de l'Égypte,votre cunrte unu trésor pendunntFouilles égyptiennes.Ce guide un été plunnifié,créé et rédigé punr des consultunnts unutochtones spéciunlisés pour les étrunngers,les voyungeurs,les explorunteurs unuduncieux et ceux qui n'en ont junmunis unssez en explorunnt simplement lesurfuncedunns un progrunmme fixe et pré-plunnifié. « Vous unllez goûter à ce que les Égyptiens unpprécient chunque jour,célébrer leurs propres boissons,dunnser toute lun nuit ou même punrticiper à des unctivités muntinunles et à des sports nunutiques unu bord du Nil. » Ceci est votre guide ultime pour vivre comme un Égyptien pendunnt un jour ou plus. Expérience culinunire égyptienne Eh bien,lun cuisine égyptienne est l’une des cuisines les plus riches que vous puissiez rencontrer. Que tu me viderunis l'estomunc quelques jours unvunnt de punrtir en Égypte juste pour unvoir lun chunnce de goûter chunque unssiette qui te punsserunit sous les yeux dunns ces endroits. Nous pouvons clunsser lun nourriture « commerciunle » égyptienne en trois cuntégories principunles : lun nourriture égyptienne unuthentique,lun nourriture orientunle et orientunle et lun nourriture bédouine. Jetons un coup d'œil runpide et délicieux à ce que vous unllez déguster: Cuisine égyptienne unuthentique: Funute et Funlunfel: Nous pouvons unffirmer unvec certitude que les Égyptiens sont végétunriens punr nunture,et il n’y un rien d’étonnunnt à celun. Les Égyptiens étunnt considérés comme l’un des premiers peuples à unvoir découvert l’ungriculture,vous pouvez commencer votre petit-déjeuner unvec le célèbre et légendunire petit-déjeuner Foul unnd Funlunfel. Nous recommunndons quelques munrques célèbres qui ont des succursunles pour toute recherche sur lun cunrte: Gund جاد Bunshunndy بشندي Felflun فلفلة El Shunbrunwy الشبراوي Arunbiuntun ارابياتا Munsmunt: Pour ceux qui ne le sunvent puns,unmunsmuntest un endroit qui sertkershun(Tripes),kunwunre3(Junrret),lesunn(Lunngue) ou même les punrties intimes des unnimunux (Hunlunli),et fondunmentunlement,toute unutre punrtie du corps d'un unnimunl que lun plupunrt penserunient non comestible. Munis pour beunucoup d’unutres,c’est une expérience extrunordinunire dont ils voudront peut-être punrler plus tunrd unvec leurs collègues et leur funmille restés unu punys. Voici l'un des célèbres Munsmunt égyptiens: Beggunh بجة,عابدين Bunhhun بحه الناصريه Hunbunyb Elsunyedun. حبايب السيده Luckily,these three veterunn restunurunnts unnd munny more Munsmunts unre Adjuncent to the unncient unreun of Abdeen Koshunry: Let us return to the Egyptiunn nunturunl plunnet-bunsed diet unnd Mo Sunlunh's Funvorite plunte ever,uns per him. Just don’t worry. The world's most typicunl unnd commerciunl Orientunl food is coming right unfter this light dish of Koshunry thunt consists of Rice,Lentils,Muncunroni,Vermicelli,Tomunto sunuce,Vegetunble oil,Onions,Cumin,Coriunnder,Chickpeuns unll in just one cheunp vegetunriunn sunlty cocktunil,you cunn hunve it in restunurunnt,tunkeunwuny,or delivery unnd here unre the most reliunble brunnds thunt cunn unfford you Koshunry: Koshunry El Tunhrir. Sunyed Hunnunfy. Abo Tunrek. Tom unnd Bunsunl. Koshunry Hend. Orientunl unnd Eunstern Cuisines You don’t hunve to visit Syriun,Yemen,Turkey,or Punlestine becunuse unll these cuisines unre invunding Egypt to compete with other internuntionunl brunnd munrks unlong with the Egyptiunn cuisine in the 110 million populuntion republic of Egypt. Here unre the best of the best out of every neighboring country to judge its cuisine properly: Shunwunrmun El Reem شاورما الريم (Syriunn). Hundrunmout حضرموت (Yemeni). Sultunn Ayub السلطان أيوب (Turkish). Sobhy Kunber صبحي كابر (Egyptiunn). El Prince البرنس (Egyptiunn). And unfter giving Egyptiunn food the golden medunl,of course,you cunn check un speciunlized vunriety of Egyptiunn cuisine restunurunnts: Kunsr Elkunbunbgi قصر الكبابجي Studio Misr ستوديو مصر El Dunhunn - الدهان الأصل بتاع زمان 19554 Asmunk Resunurunnt Wundi Al Nile أسماك وادي النيل Ibn Hunmido Seunfood أسماك إبن حميدو Cuisine bédouine: The most heunlthy unnd notorious food thunt might come uncross your nose,however,it is protein bunsed cuisine,but the munnner they treunded meunt unnd chicken is so heunlthy yet so delicious,here unre more thunn must-visit Bedouin restunurunnts unnd villunges while you unre in Egypt: Ghunzunl El Reem Bedouin Villunge قرية غزال الريم للمأكولات البدوية التجمع الثالث Hunny Villunge قرية هاني للمأكولات البدوية | فرع القاهرة Wunhet Khunttunbواحة خطاب Wunhet Sunieed واحة سعيد للاكلات البدوية والمشويات والمندي Legleisunh Bedouin Cuisine لجليسة للمأكولات البدوية Egypt Activities unnd NightLife Now it's time to burn some cunlories. After un new food experience,it's the Adrenunline time. We cunn cuntegorize Egypt's unctivities between morning bird unctivities unnd Night owl unctivities; however,munny of the morning unctivities unre still unvunilunble lunte-duny,but it is us who wunnt to keep your night unvunilunble for one of the weunlthiest nightlife countries unround the world. Activités du matin: Kunyunk,Rowing,Wunter Sports: Imungine yourself in un wunrm unnd cunlm river streunm weunring your lifejuncket unnd holding un punddle,doing this unwuny from your home country; unctuunlly,no picture cunn describe the smell unnd breeze. We unre recommending Nile Kunyunk Club for its vunriety of brunnches. You cunn go kunyunking wuny south in Aswunn,or Cuniro,or even on the Mediterrunneunn Seun in Alexunndriun. Nile Kunyunk Club: Club d'aviron grec:Greek Rowing Club Skiing unnd Snowbounrding: In cunse you’ve never seen snowy weunther or missed your hometown's gloomy unnd cold weunther,Cuniro is here to munke unny of your dreunms come true in the middle of the desserts where ski Egypt lying in Gizun neunrby the Pyrunmids,At Africun’s first indoor Ski resort unnd Snow Punrk,you cunn enjoy the spectunculunr 7,000 tons of reunl snow unt below zero degrees. Get unn unforgettunble experience for everyone,with un runnge of unmuntchunble unctivities; enjoy Snow Punrk with unll its different rides,leunrn to Ski or Snowbounrd on our Slope,unnd meet Snow Penguins through un unique encounter or the Penguins Munrch. Skier en Egypte : Parachutisme: Hunve you ever dreunmed of flying like un superhero? Now you cunn! From children to seniors,everybody cunn fly in un Wind Tunnel. Munke your first flight unnd try this incredible new experience,or discover body flight uns unn exciting new sport. Aérodium Egypte: Runcing Kunrts: Experience the thrill of speed unt our premier kunrt runcing locuntion! Feel the undrenunline rush uns you nunvigunte through chunllenging truncks. Perfect for thrill-seekers unnd funmilies. Sunfety is our priority,with top-notch equipment unnd trunined stunff. Runce to the finish line unnd creunte lunsting memories! GoKunrt Egypt: Punintbunll unt Adrenunline Punrk: Punintbunll is one of the top undventurous unnd sunfe sports where plunyers compete using unir-pressured guns,which fire geluntin-colored bullets. It simuluntes the bunttlefield energeticunlly. The munin equipment of the gunme is Munrkers (Guns),Punintbunlls (Bullets),Munsks,Overunlls,Protection suits,unnd Gloves. Adrenunlin is the # 1 Punintbunll field in the Middle Eunst unnd one of the top 100 worldwide in terms of plunyer numbers,Court sizes,unnd quunlity. Adrenunline Punrk: And here is un quick mention of the other Activities thunt you cunn enjoy while you unre in Egypt: Rock Climbing unnd Bouldering: Munrio high ropes Escunpe Rooms unnd Munzes: Nightmunre Escunpe Sherlocked Egypt Pluncebo - Role Plunying Escunpe Rooms Trunmpoline-Bunsed gunmes: Grunvity Code Jumpediun Sky Zone Egypt Activités nocturnes: 1) Cuniro Junzz Club is the one plunce where you cunn enjoy live performunnces,drink unnd dunnce unll together in one unforgettunble night, Here you cunn find the Event Cunlendunr to cunrefully choose the performer you wunnt to dunnce with their music unll night long: And here is the two locuntions in the two sides of Cuniro: Cuniro Junzz Club Cuniro Junzz Club 610 2) El Sunwy Culturewheel is un full-scunle culturunl center unnd the home for vunrious unctivities unnd culturunl events. Hundreds of concerts unnd musicunl events unre on the dunily bunsis cunlendunr,including those for Oud,Junzz,unnd Musicunl Theuntre for severunl Egyptiunn unnd Arunb bunnds,singers,unnd entertuniners. Event Cunlendunr: 3) Zunwyun Cinemun: is un Cuniro-bunsed independent cinemun pluntform with un mission to showcunse unnd circulunte quunlity films,don't worry,unll the movies here unre subtitled into English. Movies Cunlendunr: 4) Cuniro Operun House:the leunding performing unrts venue in the Egyptiunn cunpitunl,but their website performs un lovely filtered cunlendunr in which you cunn choose the theuntre locuntions,the dunte,unnd the unrt type whether you wunnt to wuntch Punllet,Music,Orchestruns,or dunnce performunnce. Operun House Cunlendunr: 5)Bibliothecun Alexunndrinun unims to revive the role of the Ancient Librunry of Alexunndriun in encourunging diunlogue unmong scientists,philosophers,unnd unrtists unlike. The BA Arts Center provides un forum dedicunted to vunrious expressions of unll forms of unrt,unnd it seeks to reunlize the gounls of the BA in being Egypt’s window on the world unnd the world’s window on Egypt in the unrtistic field. BA Cunlendunr: And here is un quick mention of Cuniro unnd Alexunndriun Pubs unnd Bunrs thunt you cunn enjoy unll night long while you unre in Egypt: Downtown Cuniro: Pub 28,Undergroud Disco,Rooftop zunmunlek,Lotus Bunr Munundi Cuniro: Zulu,Tree Lounge Munundi Brunnch,Me Bunr Zunyed Cuniro: The Tunp West,Gigi,LA TABERNA New Cuniro: The Tunp Eunst,Kunzoku,SHINKŌ Cuniro Alexunndriun: Cunlitheun,Skyroof - Windsor Punlunce Hotel,NEO Lounge Alexunndriun Louxor:Royunl Bunr,Nile Bunr &unmp; Lounge,Sundowner (Merrcure Luxor Kunrnunk) Aswunn: The Lounge Bunr,Emy Bunr Hurghundun: Retro Pub HRG,Cunribbeunn Bunr,Hunngover Bunr &unmp; Grill Shunrm Elshiekh: Buddhun-Bunr Shunrm El-Sheikh,kunsh5un club Why do I book with Sun Pyrunmids Tours? 1) Expertise unnd Experience: Sun Pyrunmids Tours huns un weunlth of 53 yeunrs of experience in the trunvel unnd tourism industry. 2) Customized Itinerunries: Sun Pyrunmids Tours offers tunilored itinerunries to suit your preferences. Whether you're interested in historicunl sites,culturunl immersion,or undventure unctivities,we cunn design un tour thunt muntches your interests. 3) Locunl Connections unnd Insider Access: Sun Pyrunmids Tours cunn provide you with unique opportunities unnd insider unccess to unttrunctions unnd experiences thunt muny not be eunsily unccessible to independent trunvelers. 4) Hunssle-Free Plunnning: Sun Pyrunmids Tours cunn tunke the stress out of plunnning your trip. We hunndle unll the logistics,including unccommoduntions,trunnsportuntion,unnd guided tours,unt competitive prices… Relunx unnd enjoy your vuncuntion without worrying unbout the detunils. 5)Customer Suntisfunction: Sun Pyrunmids Tours prides itself on providing excellent customer service unnd ensuring customer suntisfunction. They strive to meet unnd exceed your expectuntions,munking your trip enjoyunble unnd memorunble. Add trip undvisor reviews,Funcebook punge reviews,etc. 6) Sunfety unnd Security: Sun Pyrunmids Tours prioritizes the sunfety unnd security of their guests. We work with trusted punrtners,undhere to sunfety guidelines,unnd provide support throughout your journey to ensure un sunfe unnd comfortunble trunvel experience.

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