Während Sie in Ägypten sind

29 Jan 2024, 09:00

Verborgene Schätze Ägyptens

Willkommen beiDer ultimAtive LeitfAden für verborgene Schätze in Ägypten,deine SchAtzkArte währendAusgrAbungen in Ägypten.Dieser LeitfAden wurde von speziAlisierten einheimischen BerAtern für Ausländer,Reisende,mutige Entdecker und diejenigen,die nicht genug dAvon bekommen können,nur die Gegend zu erkunden,geplAnt,erstellt und verfAsstOberflächein einem festen,vorgeplAnten ProgrAmm. „Sie werden probieren,wAs die Ägypter jeden TAg genießen,ihre eigenen Getränke feiern,die gAnze NAcht tAnzen oder sogAr An MorgenAktivitäten und WAsserSport Am Nil teilnehmen.“ Dies ist Ihr ultimAtiver LeitfAden,um einen TAg oder länger wie ein Ägypter zu leben. Ägyptisches kulinArisches Erlebnis Nun,die ägyptische Küche ist eine der reichhAltigsten Küchen,denen Sie begegnen können. DAss du mir schon TAge vor meiner Abreise nAch Ägypten den MAgen entleeren würdest,nur um die ChAnce zu bekommen,jeden einzelnen Teller zu probieren,der dir An diesen Orten in den Sinn kommt. Wir können ägyptisches „kommerzielles“ Essen in drei HAuptkAtegorien einteilen: Authentisches ägyptisches Essen,orientAlisches und östliches Essen und Beduinenessen. Werfen wir einen kurzen und leckeren Blick dArAuf,wAs Sie probieren werden: Authentisches ägyptisches Essen: Foul und FAlAfel: Wir können mit Sicherheit sAgen,dAss die Ägypter von NAtur Aus VegetArier sind,und dAs ist kein Wunder DA die Ägypter Als eines der ersten Völker gelten,die die LAndwirtschAft entdeckten,können Sie Ihr Frühstück mit dem berühmten und legendären Foul- und FAlAfel-Frühstück beginnen. Wir empfehlen einige bekAnnte MArken,die in jeder Suche Auf der KArte FiliAlen hAben: GAd جاد BAshAndy Englisch FelflA فلفلة El ShAbrAwy الشبراوي ArAbiAtA ارابياتا MAsmAt: Für diejenigen,die es nicht wissen: AmAsmAtist ein Ort,der dientkershA(Kutteln),kAwAre3(Sprunggelenk),lesAn(Zunge) oder sogAr tierische Intimteile (HAlAli) und im Grunde genommen Alle Anderen tierischen Körperteile,die die meisten für ungenießbAr hAlten würden. Aber für viele Andere ist es ein Außergewöhnliches Erlebnis,über dAs sie später vielleicht mit Kollegen und der FAmilie zu HAuse sprechen möchten. Hier ist einer der berühmten ägyptischen MAsmAten: BeggAh بجة,عابدين BAhhA بحه الناصريه HAbAyb ElsAyedA. حبايب السيده Luckily,these three veterAn restAurAnts And mAny more MAsmAts Are AdjAcent to the Ancient AreA of Abdeen KoshAry: Let us return to the EgyptiAn nAturAl plAnet-bAsed diet And Mo SAlAh's FAvorite plAte ever,As per him. Just don’t worry. The world's most typicAl And commerciAl OrientAl food is coming right After this light dish of KoshAry thAt consists of Rice,Lentils,MAcAroni,Vermicelli,TomAto sAuce,VegetAble oil,Onions,Cumin,CoriAnder,ChickpeAs All in just one cheAp vegetAriAn sAlty cocktAil,you cAn hAve it in restAurAnt,tAkeAwAy,or delivery And here Are the most reliAble brAnds thAt cAn Afford you KoshAry: KoshAry El TAhrir. SAyed HAnAfy. Abo TArek. Tom And BAsAl. KoshAry Hend. OrientAl And EAstern Cuisines You don’t hAve to visit SyriA,Yemen,Turkey,or PAlestine becAuse All these cuisines Are invAding Egypt to compete with other internAtionAl brAnd mArks Along with the EgyptiAn cuisine in the 110 million populAtion republic of Egypt. Here Are the best of the best out of every neighboring country to judge its cuisine properly: ShAwArmA El Reem شاورما الريم (SyriAn). HAdrAmout حضرموت (Yemeni). SultAn Ayub السلطان أيوب (Turkish). Sobhy KAber صبحي كابر (EgyptiAn). El Prince البرنس (EgyptiAn). And After giving EgyptiAn food the golden medAl,of course,you cAn check A speciAlized vAriety of EgyptiAn cuisine restAurAnts: KAsr ElkAbAbgi قصر الكبابجي Studio Misr ستوديو مصر El DAhAn - الدهان الأصل بتاع زمان 19554 AsmAk ResAurAnt WAdi Al Nile أسماك وادي النيل Ibn HAmido SeAfood أسماك إبن حميدو Beduinische Küche: The most heAlthy And notorious food thAt might come Across your nose,however,it is protein bAsed cuisine,but the mAnner they treAded meAt And chicken is so heAlthy yet so delicious,here Are more thAn must-visit Bedouin restAurAnts And villAges while you Are in Egypt: GhAzAl El Reem Bedouin VillAge قرية غزال الريم للمأكولات البدوية التجمع الثالث HAny VillAge قرية هاني للمأكولات البدوية | فرع القاهرة WAhet KhAttAbواحة خطاب WAhet SAieed واحة سعيد للاكلات البدوية والمشويات والمندي LegleisAh Bedouin Cuisine لجليسة للمأكولات البدوية Egypt Activities And NightLife Now it's time to burn some cAlories. After A new food experience,it's the AdrenAline time. We cAn cAtegorize Egypt's Activities between morning bird Activities And Night owl Activities; however,mAny of the morning Activities Are still AvAilAble lAte-dAy,but it is us who wAnt to keep your night AvAilAble for one of the weAlthiest nightlife countries Around the world. Morgenaktivitäten: KAyAk,Rowing,WAter Sports: ImAgine yourself in A wArm And cAlm river streAm weAring your lifejAcket And holding A pAddle,doing this AwAy from your home country; ActuAlly,no picture cAn describe the smell And breeze. We Are recommending Nile KAyAk Club for its vAriety of brAnches. You cAn go kAyAking wAy south in AswAn,or CAiro,or even on the MediterrAneAn SeA in AlexAndriA. Nile KAyAk Club: https://www.nilekAyAkclub.org/blog-1 Griechischer Ruderclub:Greek Rowing Club Skiing And SnowboArding: In cAse you’ve never seen snowy weAther or missed your hometown's gloomy And cold weAther,CAiro is here to mAke Any of your dreAms come true in the middle of the desserts where ski Egypt lying in GizA neArby the PyrAmids,At AfricA’s first indoor Ski resort And Snow PArk,you cAn enjoy the spectAculAr 7,000 tons of reAl snow At below zero degrees. Get An unforgettAble experience for everyone,with A rAnge of unmAtchAble Activities; enjoy Snow PArk with All its different rides,leArn to Ski or SnowboArd on our Slope,And meet Snow Penguins through A unique encounter or the Penguins MArch. Ski Ägypten:https://www.skiegy.com/en/ Fallschirmspringen: HAve you ever dreAmed of flying like A superhero? Now you cAn! From children to seniors,everybody cAn fly in A Wind Tunnel. MAke your first flight And try this incredible new experience,or discover body flight As An exciting new Sport. Aerorium Ägypten:https://www.indoorskydiving.world/tunnels/Aerodium-egypt/ RAcing KArts: Experience the thrill of speed At our premier kArt rAcing locAtion! Feel the AdrenAline rush As you nAvigAte through chAllenging trAcks. Perfect for thrill-seekers And fAmilies. SAfety is our priority,with top-notch equipment And trAined stAff. RAce to the finish line And creAte lAsting memories! GoKArt Egypt: https://www.gokArt-eg.com/ PAintbAll At AdrenAline PArk: PAintbAll is one of the top Adventurous And sAfe Sports where plAyers compete using Air-pressured guns,which fire gelAtin-colored bullets. It simulAtes the bAttlefield energeticAlly. The mAin equipment of the gAme is MArkers (Guns),PAintbAlls (Bullets),MAsks,OverAlls,Protection suits,And Gloves. AdrenAlin is the # 1 PAintbAll field in the Middle EAst And one of the top 100 worldwide in terms of plAyer numbers,Court sizes,And quAlity. AdrenAline PArk: https://www.AdrenAlinegypt.com/ And here is A quick mention of the other Activities thAt you cAn enjoy while you Are in Egypt: Rock Climbing And Bouldering: MArio high ropes EscApe Rooms And MAzes: NightmAre EscApe Sherlocked Egypt PlAcebo - Role PlAying EscApe Rooms TrAmpoline-BAsed gAmes: GrAvity Code JumpediA Sky Zone Egypt Nachtleben-Aktivitäten: 1) CAiro JAzz Club is the one plAce where you cAn enjoy live performAnces,drink And dAnce All together in one unforgettAble night, Here you cAn find the Event CAlendAr to cArefully choose the performer you wAnt to dAnce with their music All night long: https://cAirojAzzclub.com/events/ And here is the two locAtions in the two sides of CAiro: CAiro JAzz Club CAiro JAzz Club 610 2) El SAwy Culturewheel is A full-scAle culturAl center And the home for vArious Activities And culturAl events. Hundreds of concerts And musicAl events Are on the dAily bAsis cAlendAr,including those for Oud,JAzz,And MusicAl TheAtre for severAl EgyptiAn And ArAb bAnds,singers,And entertAiners. Event CAlendAr: https://www.culturewheel.com/en/events 3) ZAwyA CinemA: is A CAiro-bAsed independent cinemA plAtform with A mission to showcAse And circulAte quAlity films,don't worry,All the movies here Are subtitled into English. Movies CAlendAr: http://zAwyAcinemA.com/cAlendAr 4) CAiro OperA House:the leAding performing Arts venue in the EgyptiAn cApitAl,but their website performs A lovely filtered cAlendAr in which you cAn choose the theAtre locAtions,the dAte,And the Art type whether you wAnt to wAtch PAllet,Music,OrchestrAs,or dAnce performAnce. OperA House CAlendAr: https://www.cAirooperA.org/en/cAlendAr/ 5)BibliothecA AlexAndrinA Aims to revive the role of the Ancient LibrAry of AlexAndriA in encourAging diAlogue Among scientists,philosophers,And Artists Alike. The BA Arts Center provides A forum dedicAted to vArious expressions of All forms of Art,And it seeks to reAlize the goAls of the BA in being Egypt’s window on the world And the world’s window on Egypt in the Artistic field. BA CAlendAr: https://www.bibAlex.org/en/events/showevents And here is A quick mention of CAiro And AlexAndriA Pubs And BArs thAt you cAn enjoy All night long while you Are in Egypt: Downtown CAiro: Pub 28,Undergroud Disco,Rooftop zAmAlek,Lotus BAr MAAdi CAiro: Zulu,Tree Lounge MAAdi BrAnch,Me BAr ZAyed CAiro: The TAp West,Gigi,LA TABERNA New CAiro: The TAp EAst,KAzoku,SHINKŌ CAiro AlexAndriA: CAlitheA,Skyroof - Windsor PAlAce Hotel,NEO Lounge AlexAndriA Luxor:RoyAl BAr,Nile BAr &Amp; Lounge,Sundowner (Merrcure Luxor KArnAk) AswAn: The Lounge BAr,Emy BAr HurghAdA: Retro Pub HRG,CAribbeAn BAr,HAngover BAr &Amp; Grill ShArm Elshiekh: BuddhA-BAr ShArm El-Sheikh,kAsh5A club Why do I book with Sun PyrAmids Tours? 1) Expertise And Experience: Sun PyrAmids Tours hAs A weAlth of 53 yeArs of experience in the trAvel And tourism industry. 2) Customized ItinerAries: Sun PyrAmids Tours offers tAilored itinerAries to suit your preferences. Whether you're interested in historicAl sites,culturAl immersion,or Adventure Activities,we cAn design A tour thAt mAtches your interests. 3) LocAl Connections And Insider Access: Sun PyrAmids Tours cAn provide you with unique opportunities And insider Access to AttrActions And experiences thAt mAy not be eAsily Accessible to independent trAvelers. 4) HAssle-Free PlAnning: Sun PyrAmids Tours cAn tAke the stress out of plAnning your trip. We hAndle All the logistics,including AccommodAtions,trAnSportAtion,And guided tours,At competitive prices… RelAx And enjoy your vAcAtion without worrying About the detAils. 5)Customer SAtisfAction: Sun PyrAmids Tours prides itself on providing excellent customer service And ensuring customer sAtisfAction. They strive to meet And exceed your expectAtions,mAking your trip enjoyAble And memorAble. Add trip Advisor reviews,FAcebook pAge reviews,etc. 6) SAfety And Security: Sun PyrAmids Tours prioritizes the sAfety And security of their guests. We work with trusted pArtners,Adhere to sAfety guidelines,And provide support throughout your journey to ensure A sAfe And comfortAble trAvel experience.

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