
29 Jan 2024, 09:00


本以斯拉犹太教堂的历史本·埃兹拉犹太教堂(Ben Ezra Synagogue)位于埃及老开罗的福斯塔特地区,也称为埃尔杰尼扎犹太教堂(El-Geniza Synagogue),是一处重要的历史遗址。在希伯来语中,它被称为 בת כנסת בן עזרא,而在阿拉伯语中,它被称为 Вай бан я ура。当地传说表明,这里就是摩西婴儿时期被发现的地方。埃及最具创新精神的旅行社 Sun Pyramids Tours, 1970 诚邀您踏上穿越科普特开罗和本以斯拉犹太教堂的非凡旅程。体验科普特开罗的辉煌,那里有雄伟的教堂以及圣母玛利亚和耶稣基督的圣地。本以斯拉犹太教堂曾经是埃及充满活力的犹太节日、集会和祈祷中心,随着 20 世纪 50 年代大多数犹太社区的离开,它已成为游客的兴趣点。 Ben Ezra Sanygouge 何时成立? 起源 本以斯拉犹太教堂建立的确切日期仍不确定。然而,在 genizah 中发现的文件表明,它很可能是在公元 882 年之前建立的,可能是在前伊斯兰时代。 882 年,亚历山大科普特东正教主教将一座教堂及其周边财产卖给了一个犹太团体。 19世纪的一些学者推测,这次交易标志着本·埃兹拉的诞生。然而,购买者是巴比伦塔木德学院的信徒,而本·埃兹拉是一群遵循巴勒斯坦叙利亚竞争塔木德学院教义的会众。当代学者一致认为,882 年出售的犹太教堂是另一座犹太教堂。犹太教堂的位置也充满了圣经传说,据信就是法老王的妻子发现并从河边篮子里救出婴儿摩西的地方。 本以斯拉犹太教堂的事实 19 世纪,犹太教堂的 genizah(储藏室)中出现了一项非凡的发现。大量丢失和存放的希伯来语、阿拉姆语和犹太-阿拉伯语手稿以及超过 250,000 份世俗和神圣的历史文献被发现,使这座犹太教堂变成了历史文献的宝库。声明称,翻新过程包括对墙壁和天花板进行仔细的建筑保护工作,以及对照明系统的彻底检修。本以斯拉犹太教堂拥有大量令人印象深刻的书籍和文献,可以让人们一睹埃及犹太社区的社会生活,在现代犹太历史研究中具有相当重要的意义。 何时在本以斯拉犹太教堂被发现 雅各布·萨菲尔 (Jacob Saphir) 是一位出生于罗马尼亚的犹太人,童年时期移居奥斯曼巴勒斯坦,后来成为一名拉比。 1859 年,他踏上了全球筹款之旅,以修复耶路撒冷的胡尔瓦犹太教堂 (Hurva Synagogue),该教堂于 1721 年被当局拆除。萨菲尔是第一个承认本·埃兹拉犹太教堂 (Ben Ezra Synagogue) 的 geniza 历史重要性的人,他在《以斯拉犹太教堂》中记录了这一事实1874 年出版的一本书。第一个进入 geniza 的欧洲人是犹太藏书家埃尔坎·内森·阿德勒 (Elkan Nathan Adler),他于 1888 年获得了大约 25,000 份文献。 1889年至1892年犹太教堂重建期间,这些文件被露天堆放。埃及古物学家 Riamo d'Hulst 伯爵在此期间检查了其中一些文献。 1896 年 12 月,剑桥大学讲师、后来成为著名的美国拉比的所罗门·谢克特 (Solomon Schechter) 发起了对 geniza 文件的首次彻底的学术研究。他还安排将剩余文件从开罗转移到各个大学图书馆。 本以斯拉犹太教堂建筑 据旅游和古物部 (MOTA) 报道,埃及总理穆斯塔法·马德布利于 2023 年 9 月正式开放了这座犹太教堂的大门,标志着长达十年的修复项目的完成。最近的整修是由滴牛奶协会进行的,该协会是一个致力于保护埃及犹太遗产的实体。修复工作包括对天花板和石头的保护处理以及隔热措施。近年来,埃及MOTA承担了多项保护项目,并不懈努力修复众多历史建筑。 修复古老的本·埃兹拉犹太教堂 据旅游和古物部 (MOTA) 报道,埃及总理穆斯塔法·马德布利于 2023 年 9 月正式开放了这座犹太教堂的大门,标志着长达十年的修复项目的完成。最近的整修是由滴牛奶协会进行的,该协会是一个致力于保护埃及犹太遗产的实体。修复工作包括对天花板和石头的保护处理以及隔热措施。近年来,埃及MOTA承担了多项保护项目,并不懈努力修复众多历史建筑。 为什么我通过太阳金字塔之旅预订? 1) 专业知识和经验: Sun Pyramids Tours 在旅游行业拥有 53 年的丰富经验。 2) 定制行程:太阳金字塔旅游提供定制行程,以满足您的喜好。无论您对历史古迹、文化沉浸还是冒险活动感兴趣,我们都可以设计符合您兴趣的旅游。 3) 当地联系和内部人士访问:太阳金字塔之旅可以为您提供独特的机会和内部人士访问景点和体验的机会,而这些对于独立旅行者来说可能不容易获得。 4) 无忧规划:太阳金字塔之旅可以减轻您规划行程的压力。我们以具有竞争力的价格处理所有后勤工作,包括住宿、交通和导游服务……放松身心,享受您的假期,无需担心细节。 5) 客户满意度:太阳金字塔旅游公司以提供卓越的客户服务并确保客户满意度而自豪。他们努力满足并超越您的期望,让您的旅行愉快而难忘。添加旅行顾问评论、Facebook 页面评论等。

29 May 2024, 08:33


悬空教堂坐落在老开罗的中心地带,是埃及丰富的基督教遗产的见证。这是一个建筑杰作,几个世纪以来一直吸引着游客。这个标志性的宗教地标是一颗真正的宝石,展示了科普特和拜占庭影响的融合。 除了令人惊叹的外观之外,悬空教堂还具有深远的意义。它是科普特基督徒社区珍视的庇护所,被广泛认为是开罗最重要的科普特景点之一。它吸引了无数寻求这种迷人氛围的旅行者。 与埃及的许多其他教堂不同,悬空教堂的悬挂式设计使其与众不同,为该结​​构增添了神秘的气息。当参观者凝视这一工程奇迹时,他们常常会感到敬畏,惊叹于经得起时间考验的复杂工艺和对细节的关注。 加入我们,深入探究悬空教堂的历史和氛围,揭开埃及不朽的基督教遗产。 悬空教堂的建筑奇迹 独特的悬挂设计和构造 悬空教堂最初是在古罗马堡垒废墟上使用棕榈树原木和石层建造而成,塔高 30 英尺,支撑在 15 根细长柱上。这座迷人的建筑采用巴西利卡风格设计,几个世纪以来得到了进一步的扩大和修改,但它仍然保留了其标志性的悬浮外观,令几代游客惊叹不已。 对科普特和拜占庭影响的令人印象深刻的运用 混合了科普特和拜占庭的影响,悬空教堂展示了对细节和华丽工艺的非凡关注。主入口设有尖石拱门和双钟楼,为令人惊叹的室内装饰奠定了基础。在里面,游客们会看到 110 多个精美的圣像,包括圣母玛利亚、耶稣基督、施洗者约翰和各种大天使的肖像。这些图标中最古老的可以追溯到 8 世纪,为教堂的传奇历史提供了切实的联系。 华丽的内饰和复杂的装饰元素 主祭坛由乌木制成并镶嵌象牙,装饰着复杂的科普特十字架设计,其历史可以追溯到 12 或 13 世纪。整个内部进一步装饰有迷人的骨头和象牙镶嵌设计,展示了基督教和伊斯兰艺术影响的和谐融合。其结果是一个真正令人惊叹的空间,将游客带到了过去的时代,悬空教堂建筑的空灵之美和装饰元素融合在一起,创造了真正难忘的体验。 重要的历史和文化重要性 世界上最古老的教堂之一。 悬空教堂的起源可以追溯到公元三世纪,是埃及最古老的教堂之一。这座教堂建于公元前 4 世纪巴比伦的罗马堡垒顶部,独特的悬浮式设计为其赢得了各种名称,包括“悬浮教堂”和“楼梯教堂”。然而,它最经久不衰的名称“悬空教堂”,说明了使这个神圣场所经受住时间考验的迷人工程。 在基督教发展中的作用 除了其独特的建筑起源之外,悬空教堂在埃及科普特基督教的发展中发挥了关键作用。从 7 世纪到 13 世纪,它是科普特族长的住所,举办大选和宗教仪式等重大活动。这种受人尊敬的地位巩固了悬空教堂作为世界上最重要的基督教地标之一的地位,证明了科普特社区持久的信仰和韧性。 与历史人物和事件的联系 这座教堂悠久而传奇的历史也与多位历史人物建立了联系。作为宗教和政治影响力的中心,悬空教堂见证了许多有影响力的科普特领袖、学者和圣人的来来往往,进一步巩固了其作为埃及丰富的基督教遗产中受人尊敬的机构的地位。如今,悬空教堂继续吸引着游客,他们沉浸在其永恒的氛围中,并揭开其墙内展开的故事。 精神意义和宁静氛围 踏入悬空教堂,游客就会被纯正的宗教氛围所包围,神圣的习俗在其中产生深刻的共鸣。教堂令人惊叹的圣像、壁画和彩色玻璃窗吸引着人们的眼球,每件作品都讲述着一个信仰和艺术的故事。这个神圣的空间给人一种永恒的感觉,引发精神沉思和反思。宁静的氛围,辅以悬挂灯的柔和光芒和科普特赞美诗的轻柔声音,营造出一种可以真正与神圣联系的环境。在这里,在历史之美和精神深度中,崇拜者和游客都找到了和平和灵感的天堂。 探索开罗老城区周边 周围的开罗老城区汇聚了充满活力的市场、传统作坊和历史建筑,让您可以真实地了解当地文化和日常生活。游客可以沉浸在熙熙攘攘的集市中,发现熟练的工匠正在工作,并惊叹于具有数百年历史的建筑。这些互补的体验丰富了这次访问,提供了超越精神层面的全面探索,捕捉了埃及丰富遗产和充满活力的现在的精髓。 在悬空教堂踏上一段穿越岁月的旅程,过去和现在在这里交汇,展现出迷人的建筑之美和文化意义。让这个标志性地标的宁静氛围和丰富历史激发您对埃及多元化宗教遗产的探索。立即联系太阳金字塔之旅,将悬空教堂纳入您难忘的开罗行程中。 我为什么预订太阳金字塔之旅? 1) 专业知识和经验:Sun Pyramids Tours 在旅游业拥有 53 年的丰富经验。 2) 定制行程:太阳金字塔之旅提供定制行程,以满足您的喜好。无论您对历史古迹、文化沉浸还是冒险活动感兴趣,我们都可以设计符合您兴趣的旅游。 3) 本地联系和内部访问:太阳金字塔之旅可以为您提供独特的机会和内部访问景点和体验,而独立旅行者可能无法轻松访问这些景点和体验。 4) 无忧规划:太阳金字塔之旅可以减轻您规划行程的压力。我们以具有竞争力的价格处理所有后勤工作,包括住宿、交通和导游服务……放松身心,享受您的假期,无需担心细节。 5) 客户满意度:Sun Pyramids Tours 以提供卓越的客户服务并确保客户满意度而自豪。他们努力满足并超越您的期望,让您的旅行愉快而难忘。添加旅行顾问评论、Facebook 页面评论等。 6) 安全保障:太阳金字塔之旅优先考虑客人的安全保障。我们与值得信赖的合作伙伴合作,遵守安全准则,并在整个旅程中提供支持,以确保安全舒适的旅行体验。

1 Aug 2024, 13:28


Nestled in the Mokattam hills of Cairo, the Cave Church, also known as the Monastery of Saint Simon, is a remarkable blend of history, spirituality, and artistry. This hidden gem offers visitors a unique glimpse into Egypt's Christian heritage and the incredible craftsmanship that brings the cave to life. The Cave Church of Saint Simon the Tanner, or the monastery of Samaan Al Kharraz, is a stone holy book. It is one of the largest churches in Egypt, the Middle East, and the world, shedding light on a holy display of allure crafted by the strength of belief. In the heart of this magnificent monument lie the immortal tales and history of some of the most incredible miracles and honorable men of faith the world has ever seen. The Cave Church invites all to explore its spiritual depths and witness the faith that shaped its creation. The Location of Cave Church The Cave Church is located in the Mokattam hills, east of Cairo. This area is known as Garbage City, where the Zabbaleen community resides. Despite its humble surroundings, the church is a beacon of hope and faith, drawing visitors from around the world to witness its beauty. Situated at the very top of the Mountain of Moqattam, the Cave Church is found in Zabbaleen City, also known as "The City of Garbage." This area, on the east bank of the Nile River, hosts the largest population of garbage collectors and recyclers in Cairo. The church is part of a complex that includes six churches carved directly into the rocky core of the mountain. Among these are the Monastery of St. Simon the Tanner, St. Paul's Church, St. Mark's Church, and St. Simon the Tanner's Hall. This unique location, combined with the incredible craftsmanship of the churches, makes The Cave Church a remarkable site to visit. It offers a blend of spiritual and cultural experiences amidst the challenging yet vibrant community of the Zabbaleen. The Name of the Cave Church The Cave Church is officially known as the Monastery of Saint Simon the Tanner. It is named after Saint Simon, a 10th-century Coptic Orthodox saint. Saint Simon the Tanner lived during the rule of Al Muizz, the Islamic Fatimid Caliph, who is connected to the legend of the moving of the Mokattam Mountain. According to the story, Al Muizz ordered the Coptic Pope Abraham of Alexandria to move Mokattam Mountain as a test of his faith. The Pope fasted for three days and, in a vision, the Virgin Mary informed him of a man named Simon the Tanner who could move the mountain. Simon had two humble jobs: repairing shoes and distributing water to the poor. Miraculously, Simon succeeded in moving the mountain from the area of Ramses. After this event, Saint Simon disappeared into one of the mountain's caves, and a monastery was later constructed at that site. The History of the Cave Church The Cave Church was founded in 1975 by Father Samaan Ibrahim. It was carved out of a large cave in the Mokattam hills and provides a place of worship for the local Zabbaleen community. The history of the Monastery of Saint Simon the Tanner dates back to the time of the Holy Family. The Holy Family is believed to have hidden in this location during their three-year journey in Egypt. The church was constructed to commemorate Saint Simon in the 10th century AD during the reign of Al Muizz, the Fatimid Caliph. The Zabbaleen community, residing in what is now known as Garbage City, was formed by descendants of farmers who migrated from Upper Egypt to Cairo in the 1940s due to poverty and to avoid municipal authorities. Despite becoming urban dwellers, they retained their rural traditions, including raising animals such as chickens, ducks, and goats. The new city immigrants started salvaging anything of value, and the organic matter collected provided food for their animals. This harmonious arrangement allowed many immigrants to make the area their new home. The Cave Church stands as a testament to the resilience and faith of the Zabbaleen community, serving as a spiritual haven amidst their challenging environment. The Carving in the Cave Church The Cave Church features detailed carvings and sculptures that depict various biblical scenes. These artistic works are carved directly into the rock walls, showcasing the remarkable skill and dedication of the artists. The carvings add a profound sense of spirituality to the church's atmosphere. The church is an authentic piece of art, conveying a number of marvelous sculptured statues of Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary. The Cave Church holds numerous incredible stories carved into the mountain rocks, narrating the birth story of Jesus and the miracle of Lazarus's resurrection by Jesus. These detailed carvings bring the biblical tales to life, allowing visitors to connect deeply with the narratives. A number of biblical verses are intricately carved across the church walls, adding layers of spiritual reflection for visitors. Among the carvings, one can find the story of Zuleikha and Joseph, including the episode involving Potiphar's wife. The church's walls also depict the legendary story of Samson, capturing his strength and trials. Each carving within The Cave Church not only enhances its beauty but also serves as a testament to the faith and devotion of the community that built and maintained this sacred space. The Cave Church Gallery The church's gallery includes stunning frescoes and murals that adorn the walls and ceilings. These artworks depict stories from the Bible and the lives of saints, offering a visual feast for visitors. The gallery is a testament to the rich artistic heritage of the Coptic community. Cairo Tours: Exploring The Cave Church & Coptic Cairo And More Experience the wonder of The Cave Church with Sun Pyramids Tours. Our Cairo tours offer a comprehensive exploration of this spiritual haven and other historical and cultural sites. Explore this holy site and witness its incredible art while listening to the greatest tales about holy figures who moved mountains and reshaped the world. Discover the ancient wonders of Cairo through our majestic Cairo day tours! Visit iconic landmarks such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. Each site offers a unique glimpse into Egypt's rich history and cultural heritage, providing an unforgettable experience for every traveler. The Cave Church is a highlight of our tours, showcasing the remarkable blend of spirituality, artistry, and history that defines Cairo. Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Egypt. Book your tour now and discover the magic of Cairo with Sun Pyramids Tours. Our expert guides are ready to make your visit an enriching and memorable adventure. Why do I book with Sun Pyramids Tours? 1) Expertise and Experience: Sun Pyramids Tours has 53 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. 2) Customized Itineraries: Sun Pyramids Tours offers tailored itineraries to suit your preferences. Whether you're interested in historical sites, cultural immersion, or adventure activities, we can design a tour that matches your interests. 3) Local Connections and Insider Access: Sun Pyramids Tours can provide you with unique opportunities and insider access to attractions and experiences that may not be easily accessible to independent travelers. 4) Hassle-Free Planning: Sun Pyramids Tours can take the stress out of planning your trip. We handle all the logistics, including accommodations, transportation, and guided tours, at competitive prices… Relax and enjoy your vacation without worrying about the details. 5) Customer Satisfaction: Sun Pyramids Tours prides itself on providing excellent customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction. They strive to meet and exceed your expectations, making your trip enjoyable and memorable. Add trip advisor reviews, Facebook page reviews, etc. 6) Safety and Security: Sun Pyramids Tours prioritizes the safety and security of their guests. We work with trusted partners, adhere to safety guidelines, and provide support throughout your journey to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience.

22 Dec 2024, 12:52


The Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga Church, is one of Egypt's oldest and most significant churches. Built between the 5th and 8th centuries, it is located within the ancient Roman fortress of Babylon in Old Cairo. This church holds deep religious importance as it is believed to have provided refuge to the Holy Family during their escape from King Herod's persecution. Abu Serga Church, Egypt, is dedicated to the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus, who were persecuted for their faith in the 4th century. Despite suffering damage, including a fire during the reign of Marwan II around 750 AD, it has been rebuilt and remains a vital symbol of Egypt's Christian history. The Importance of the Abu Serga Church The church's significance stems from its deep association with the Holy Family, who are believed to have taken refuge in its crypt during their escape to Egypt. According to tradition, Abu Serga Church is built on the exact spot where Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus stayed at the end of their journey. Beyond its connection to the Holy Family, the church has a crucial role in the history of the Coptic Church. Many Coptic patriarchs were elected here, beginning with Patriarch Isaac (681-692), making it a central site for religious leadership. Pilgrims visit Abu Serga Church to honor its religious and historical value, solidifying its place as a cornerstone of Christian heritage in Egypt. The Architecture of Abu Serga Church The architecture of Abu Serga Church reflects early Coptic design, featuring a basilica layout with a narthex, a nave, and two aisles. These are separated by 12 columns with Corinthian capitals, enhancing its classical appeal. The church contains three sanctuaries, each with an altar covered by a dome adorned with religious scenes of Christ, angels, and the four evangelists. The central sanctuary's wooden screen dates back to the 13th century and is complemented by beautiful icons and friezes from the 15th and 16th centuries. A marble pulpit on the northeast side of the nave, encrusted with ebony and ivory, adds to the church's artistic value. One of the most visited parts of Abu Serga Church is its crypt, where the Holy Family is believed to have stayed, a highlight of Coptic Cairo. Each year on June 1st, the Christian community commemorates the Holy Family's arrival in this sacred space, further emphasizing its spiritual importance. The History of the Abu Serga Church Dedicated to Saints Sergius and Bacchus, who were soldier-saints martyred in the 4th century by the Roman Emperor Maximian, Abu Serga Church has a rich and turbulent history. One of its most revered features is the crypt, where tradition holds that Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus sought refuge. This crypt, which lies 10 meters deep, is often flooded when Nile levels are high. The church, originally built in the 4th century and likely completed in the 5th, was significantly damaged during the fire of Fustat in the 8th century under Marwan II. It was subsequently rebuilt and has undergone numerous restorations throughout the centuries, maintaining its status as a model of early Coptic churches. By the 11th century, the Coptic Pope's seat moved from Alexandria to Coptic Cairo, with patriarchs initially consecrated in Abu Serga Church. However, tensions arose when the consecration ceremony shifted to the Hanging Church, marking a notable conflict in the church's history. Despite these challenges, Abu Serga remains a symbol of enduring faith. Cairo Tours: Exploring the Abu Serga Church and More Sun Pyramids Tours offers exclusive Cairo tours that take you deep into the profound history of Abu Serga Church, a highlight of Coptic Cairo, along with other iconic landmarks in the city. Whether you're already in Cairo or planning a visit, our Egyptologist-guided tours ensure a rich, immersive experience. Explore the heritage of the church, then expand your journey with our variety of Egypt private tours and Nile river cruises. From the majestic Pyramids to sacred churches, temples, tombs, and even the serene resorts of the Red Sea, Sun Pyramids Tours provides the ultimate Egyptian adventure. Book your tour today and uncover Egypt's timeless treasures! Why do I book with Sun Pyramids Tours? Expertise and Experience: Sun Pyramids Tours has a wealth of 53 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. Customized Itineraries: Sun Pyramids Tours offers tailored itineraries to suit your preferences. Whether you're interested in historical sites, cultural immersion, or adventure activities, we can design a tour that matches your interests. Local Connections and Insider Access: Sun Pyramids Tours can provide you with unique opportunities and insider access to attractions and experiences that may not be easily accessible to independent travelers. Hassle-Free Planning: Sun Pyramids Tours can take the stress out of planning your trip. We handle all the logistics, including accommodations, transportation, and guided tours, at competitive prices… Relax and enjoy your vacation without worrying about the details. Customer Satisfaction: Sun Pyramids Tours prides itself on providing excellent customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction. They strive to meet and exceed your expectations, making your trip enjoyable and memorable. Add trip advisor reviews, Facebook page reviews, etc. Safety and Security: Sun Pyramids Tours prioritizes the safety and security of their guests. We work with trusted partners, adhere to safety guidelines, and provide support throughout your journey to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience. Egypt warmly welcomes visitors with its majestic Nile River, desert landscapes, and the fertile Delta, along with its remarkable and awe-inspiring landmarks. With our Egypt tour packages, you'll have the chance to uncover the most mesmerizing wonders of the land of the Pharaohs, including the iconic Giza Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, Abu Simbel, the Karnak temples, and so much more. The Nile River is also the perfect setting for one of our Nile cruises, where you can sail through history, admiring the magnificent monuments between Luxor and Aswan. The opportunity is right here for you—don't miss out, book with us today!
